Sunday, December 4, 2011

Breaking through the wall

Hello Hello Everyone! Thank you for all the lovely and supportive emails, they mean so much to me. I especially love reading your own stories and experiences with weight loss. Often times on my hikes, when I am alone with my thoughts, I am reminded by your stories that I am not alone, and it is so incredibly comforting, so thank you again.
It was a good week. I had two little break throughs that in all honesty, have so much significance to where I am in my life right now.  First, my weigh in on friday revealed that I lost 3 pounds since my last weigh in 2 Fridays ago, so I'm at 182. The reason why this is such a big deal to me is that for the longest time I was never able to pass the 185 mark - it was as if it was the exact place where I would start to sabatoge myself.  But this time I didn't. I broke through that wall!! I still can't believe it. I have to remind myself tht it's true and to BELIEVE IT! I am getting more and more motivated to break through the next wall and the one after that. 
My second little break through was this. Three to four times a week I jog 3 miles on a treadmill which takes me about 40-45 minutes. What I do is  a 7 minute warm up, then I start my jog and do that for about 10 minutes or so. Then I slow down the pace and increase the incline so as if Im jogging on a hill. I do that for 5-10 minutes and then I just go back and forth with the incline.
OK, this past Saturday, I did this exact routine for 5 big fat miles!  I dont even know what happend. I was feeling good and energized and I said, Nama keep jogging until you get to 4 miles and then stop. Well, 4 miles came and went and I kept going until I reached 5 miles. It took me 73 minutes and let me just say it felt great. I mean, it wasnt easy by any means, but I could feel during my jog that my body was feeling strong and energized. And I tribute that to eating clean and healthy for the most part and I believe that my mental attitude also gave me the energy I needed to sustain those 5 miles. I've realized that my thoughts shape my failures and successes. So, I try to have positive thoughts, peaceful thoughts about this process, because its hard, so hard on some days and truthfully sometimes I just want to quit.  But I don't.. When my mind is strong, my body is strong.
OK, some of you emailed me asking about my excercise regimine and I am happy to share with you exactly what I do.  Friday is the one day I have off - it is my holy day, ah ha! So by the time it rolls around I am so tired and happy to give my body the rest that it needs. 
Alright, Mon and Wed I do a one hour Cardio Barre class in the morning. Also  Mon and Wed in the evenings my husband and I hike for 70 min, actually its a walk but because its all hills, I consider it a hike. Tue, Thur, and Sat I jog 4-5 miles in the morning and then in the afternoons, I do that 70 min hike/walk. Sunday is the only day I do just one workout which is the 70 minute hike/walk.  So, thats it. It may sound like a lot to some, but I truly enjoy these workouts and it is because of all that excercise that I am able to see changes in my body. What I love most though is that I feel strong, I feel good. Dont get me wrong, I have such a long way to go and I have my bad days and when they are bad, they are just really, really bad. I embrace those bad days, I acknowledge them and move on. This is too important for me to give up on.  Alright, so total weight loss so far has been 45 pounds. Phew! My goal is 50 more pounds give ro take. But my next small goal is to be under 180. I havent been in the 170's in about 20 years! This is another wall to break through. Wish me luck.. Thank you again for taking time to read my blog. Its been so theraputic for me on so many levels. I've enjoyed so much hearing from you. Please keep writing! Please!!! Have a great week...